Sunday, July 29, 2012

Research Around the World

For this blog assignment I choose the Early Childhood Australia website to explore.  On their website they have a lot of current, recent and archived early childhood news.  They have one link that says Research in Practice Series (RIPS).  In this link that are several other links with different research titles.  However, you have to purchase the research book.  A lot of their topics are current with the things we are dealing with in United States.  One topic I came across was dealing with learning and teaching through play.  By purchasing this book here are the details that you can find in it:  The Early Years Learning Framework: Learning and teaching through play focuses on The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) for Australia and explains how educators examine their understandings of play and how play-based approaches require intentional planning and teaching in order to support and extend children’s learning.

Throughout the book there are practice examples and questions for critical reflection and discussion with colleagues. The critical reflection tasks are designed to support educators, in constructing shared understandings of how to use play-based learning and teaching to promote the principles, practices and outcomes of the EYLF.

This book will help you understand:

  • learning through play
  • learning environments
  • intentional teaching
  • cultural competence
  • continuity of learning and transitions
  • assessment for learning.

The Early Years Learning Framework: Learning and teaching through play is the third in the Research in Practice Series about the EYLF to be published by Early Childhood Australia. While these are practical guidebooks for educators, they may also be of interest to families and others who work closely with young children (ECA, 2012). 

Through this site I learned that they are also linked to the National Quality Standard Professional Learning Program.  Some other surprising facts I learned on the website were about soiling.  Soiling usually happens without the child knowing (ECA, 2012).  This was interesting to me cause I was like how does one do not know they have soil there cloths, even babies.  However, I experienced this working Head Start and Pre-K.  I had a little boy that would use the bathroom on himself all the time (number 2).  But he was would go to pee.  The other kids would smell it and say he snicks or he pooed on himself.  I did not know it was a serious problem until we talked to the parents and had the little boy checked.    

In additional, some other noteworthy information I find on this website about soiling are:  


What causes soiling

Soiling becomes a problem if it goes on after the child is about four years of age. This is sometimes called encopresis. This is more likely to happen in boys than girls. It is usually happens with long-term constipation.

·       What often happens is:

o   The child develops hard, dry poo for some reason, perhaps a fever or an illness. It can hurt when the poo comes out. Sometimes there is even a small tear in the skin around the anus and you might see a bit of blood. The child then tries to hold onto her poo to avoid being hurt. Most children with soiling problems have had pain doing poo in the past.

o   Sometimes the pain makes the muscle where the poo comes out tighten up and this makes doing poo even harder for the child.

o   The poo gets bigger and harder and stretches the walls of the bowel. This makes it harder for the child to feel that it is time to go to the toilet because she does not know when her bowel is full.

o   In the end, bits of poo break off and fall into the child's pants or sometimes softer poo from above the large hard poo leaks around the edges and into the pants in small amounts.

o   The doctor needs to help to move the big hard poo and then the child needs to learn or relearn that doing poo does not hurt, and about the signals and how to use the toilet. This needs some special training.

·       Sometimes soiling happens because of problems with toilet training, or starts when the child has some stress eg a new baby arrives.

·       Rarely, chronic (long lasting) constipation can be caused by physical abnormalities of the bowel such as Hirschsprungs disease (the muscles of the bowel cannot work normally because the nerve supply to part of the bowel is missing) or the anus is not normal. These problems are usually picked up when the child is younger.

·       Soiling is not done purposely and usually happens without the child knowing. It is not the child's fault.

·       Sometimes people think it is laziness but it is not.

·       It can sometimes be caused by battles over toilet training.

·       Children who soil sometimes have other behaviour problems which tend to go when the soiling gets better.

·       Sometimes where soiling has gone on for a long time, both parents and children can get frustrated and upset with each other as the parents try to help and children struggle with trying to get it right.

Soiling is embarrassing for children. They often get teased and sometimes don't have friends if it happens at school. It needs to be treated. Family members also are often unkind.

Important Note

Any persistent constipation or soiling in a child four years or older should be checked by a doctor to make sure the bowel is normal, and because it usually necessary to use an enema to get things going again.

·       You might feel guilty (as if somehow it is your fault), annoyed (as if the child is purposely trying to be difficult), upset and frustrated.

·       Remember that the problem began because your child was in pain. Your child did not develop this problem to upset you or to be manipulative.

·       You may have had criticism from neighbours and grandparents who think they know what you should do.

·       It is important to try not to get angry with the child because this will make him tense up and make it harder for him to get it right. Try to think of ways that will help you with this, for example leave the scene until you feel you can cope.

·       It is a problem that needs sorting out and it needs personal assessment from a health professional to give advice about what will help. There is no magic wand. You could ask your family doctor or staff at a child health service.

·       While you wait for an appointment, try to take all the pressure off your child.

·       When the child does a poo, say calmly "Doing poo is good for you". If the child is doing poo in the wrong places you could add "Poos go in the toilet."

·       Keep it as low key as possible.

·       Do not use rewards or bribery because they are not likely to work, except sometimes by accident.

·       Don't make the child clean up after himself because this feels like punishment for something he can't help.

·       Remember that getting in control of soiling takes time.

·       If you are getting pressure from relatives or other people, say something like "I'm getting some help with it, and I can only listen to the doctor/counsellor".

·       Think about any stresses that your child may have that are putting pressure on him. For example does he need more opportunities for choice in his life?

·       It is important that it does not get to be a battle and that parents don't think they have to win. Try to find lots of times in your child's life where she can have some say about what happens to her - such as what she eats and wears.

·       Treatment can be difficult at the beginning. You will need to find a doctor or health worker who understands the situation and who will support you for several months as your child's bowel is 're-trained' in knowing when poo needs to be passed.

·       The thing that needs to happen first is to empty the bowel of the large hard lump of poo. Enemas (liquid put into the bowel through the anus) are usually used. This process can hurt and it is often distressing, but it has to happen. Your doctor may have other strategies for this.

·       Your child needs to have a diet which makes softer poo (high in fibre for example) and more water to drink.

·       Usually laxatives are also used to make the poo slippery, so that it can come out more easily. Paraffin oil in a mixture that tastes reasonably acceptable may be recommended.

·       Behaviour modification programs with 'star charts' and rewards do not work at the beginning because the child cannot control his poo. Other behaviour change programs will often be recommended, such as regularly going to the toilet a short while after a meal, when the bowel is active and it might be easier to pass poo.

·       Because soiling is distressing for children and some stress may have triggered the soiling, seeing a counsellor can be helpful.


Early Childhood Australia A Voice for the  Young Children. (2012). Retrieved from 

Parent’s and Children’s Health Network. Parenting and Child Health. Child and Young Health. (2012).  Retrieved from

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Research that Benefits Children and Families—Uplifting Stories

I came across this article about positive effect of interaction with self-esteem.  I really enjoy this article because of the did self-esteem between father and daughter and father and son.  It can be seen that girls and boys differ significantly in terms of family relationship (2004).  In addition to this research, one positive research I would like to do is the effect fathers have on children who are not living in the same household.  I think this would be  positive reasearch for the fathers to see what effects they have on these children. 


Received from 2012.   

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Continue my personal research journey

 Three related subtopics.  

1.  Factors that affect children learning abilities

2.  The influences peers has on other peers learning abilities

3.  How do the home environment affects children learning abilities 
            My professional and personal reasons for choosing these three subtopics are because I work with the Head Start program and a lot of my parents are low income.

My Personal Research Journey

I wanted to know how the child’s or family living environment will affect the child (ren) learning abilities.  I want to know some of the factors that affect children learning abilities depending on the environment.  Additional, I want to know if the influences of peers have on other peers learning abilities depending on the environment.  In other words, I want to know how these living in the projects affects a child’s learning abilities versa a child’s who lives in the suburbs.  So I have a lot of ideas but do not know which one to choose from.  To me all of them seem too broad to research and it seem that they will go on forever.  In this week reading, it stated that researcher have the problem selecting topic because they never know where the research might end up and that's how I feel about my research questions.  Please help me narrow my search, so I can have a good research question.