Sunday, March 23, 2014

Resources for Fostering Early Learning

One real-life examples that I think represent innovative or inspiring approaches to fostering learning during early childhood is incorporating technology.  With the way technology is expanding through the world, children need to have access to it whenever they can.  School systems, teachers, and other facility that caters to a child’s needs, needs to provide the materials that help enhance that child’s learning ability. For instance, I think that every school and classroom needs to have a smart board in the classroom.  Children can learn so much more when things are much visible to them.  As a teacher, they are able to reach every child learning ability.

According to the Huffington Post, there are many states in the USA that falls below nation ranking of Math and Science education.  Incorporating technology in the classroom will be a good way to give the students an opportunity to see math and science from a different point of view.  There is a program called Building Blocks.  Engaging Young Children in Mathematics: Standards for Early Childhood Mathematic Education, Building Blocks is a new Pre-K to Grade 2, software-enhanced, mathematics curriculum designed to comprehensively  address  the year 2000 standards of the National  Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (Clements, D, et. al. 2004).  Building Blocks is designed to enable all young children to build solid content knowledge and develop higher-order, or critical, thinking (Clements, D, et. al. 2004).    

By applying this program in young children’s lives, I feel like they will have a better chance of have higher math skills.  Founding ways to that are creative for young children are important, especially in math and science.  Often children get discourage when trying to learn math and science skills. 


Clements, D, et. al. (2004). Engaging Young Children in Mathematics: Standards for Early Childhood Mathematic Education.  Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Inc.


  1. I love the idea of having smart boards in classroom because smart boards reach all learning styles. When I was a classroom teacher I dreamed of having a smart board for my students; however the district did not have the resource to buy each classroom a smart board. I have not heard that much about the new Building Blocks program and I would like to know more about the program.

  2. Avis,

    Probably about a week ago I visited a local Head Start program that is partner with the school system. When I say they are up to date with technology in every class they are up to date by having smart boards in every class and providing the Pre-K students with there personal iPod. My mouth drop with I see it for my own eyes. The Head Start program I work for barely have working computers for both the teachers and students.
